Keto Dietox

Keto Diet Plan

Extra pounds are not just an aesthetic problem, because they can aggravate or trigger certain diseases. Therefore, there are many who try to get rid of excess weight using all kinds of diets or weight loss plans that promise that in X weeks you will lose I do not know how many pounds. Totally wrong, experts believe that a diet, to be effective, must not be one that makes you face deficiencies of vitamins and minerals, but one with which weight loss is one gentle for the body.

Create today a custom keto diet plan with the help of nutritionist from Keto Dietox.

Keto diet, recommended by many doctors and nutritionists

One of the “fashionable" diets is the ketogenic one, which is known to be low in carbohydrates, but rich in healthy fats. It is recommended for losing extra pounds, and is also indicated for those suffering from type 2 diabetes. More and more doctors and nutritionists recommend it, so you can try it too. However, you should remember that always before starting a diet, as is the case now, it is advisable to see a doctor / nutritionist to make a keto diet plan based on your medical history. Never follow another person’s keto diet program, because it may not suit you and for this reason you may experience some discomfort.

What a keto diet meal plan entails

There are certain foods that are part of a keto diet, and here they are not allowed to lack natural fats, meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy, cheese, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is important to reduce carbohydrate intake, and to make it easier for you, at least in the beginning, to follow the recommendations of a specialist.

Pay attention to hydration

In any diet, so also in the keto diet, you must be very careful with hydration, which must be optimal. But be careful, proper hydration is done with water and unsweetened teas, not with fruit juices, energy drinks or alcoholic beverages.

In short, about the keto diet plan for beginners

Prohibited food and drink

Foods that are high in carbohydrates are strictly forbidden in the keto diet, as are certain vegetables or starchy foods. Beer, potatoes, white rice, classic bread and cereals, pastries, carbonated drinks of all kinds, as well as commercial sweets. Fortunately, there are many sweets recipes allowed on the keto diet on the internet, and you can try them to satisfy your craving for “something good".

Recommendations for effective weight loss

There are, in fact, many recommendations on how you can lose weight more easily and which we invite you to discover in the following lines.

Eliminate carbohydrates

Get rid of everything that means carbohydrates and you will see that you lose weight much easier, and even without starving yourself. Give up the potatoes next to the steak and replace with a fresh vegetable salad. It will be much more delicious and healthy.

Don’t give up protein

From the diet of the keto diet are not allowed to lack protein, which if consumed in the optimal amount, will help you lose weight even faster. You can eat chicken, turkey, beef, lean pork, but let’s not forget the fish, preferably the fatty one: salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna, sardines.

Consume natural fats

Natural fats are even indicated, and the best are those contained in avocado, seeds, oilseeds, eggs, olives, meat, fish. In addition, they help you control the feeling of hunger, so you take another step on your way to losing extra pounds.

Drink enough fluids

Even if you don’t believe it, know that when you give your body the amount of water it needs, the benefits of proper hydration are numerous: the skin is more beautiful and brighter, digestion is better, you get rid of the annoying problem of constipation more easily and yes , you even lose weight much easier.

Avoid stress and get enough rest

The body needs enough rest to recover, and experts believe that this way you lose weight even easier. Also, sleep deprivation and stressful situations are among the biggest enemies of your figure, so try to solve something in this regard.

Physical exercises

A little more movement can speed up the weight loss process. It is not mandatory to “pull the beasts", but to do a little more exercise than usual, at least at the beginning of the diet. So, walk more, climb stairs and stop using the elevator, go for a bike ride, or even do some exercise while watching your favorite show on TV, because it will be much easier for you.